The Plant Farm

"Because Life is Better in the Garden"

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Winter Got You Down? Three Ways to Brighten Up

Well… we have hit the doldrums of January in the Northwest. The Christmas decorations are stored back away. It is too bitter cold to enjoy the beautiful colors that spring brings. As a matter of fact, some of us can’t remember what even 40 degrees feels like. We have been sitting somewhere in the 20’s for what seems like ages. This is the perfect time to sit before the fireplace with a book and a cup of cocoa and dream of spring. How can we bring some lifeĀ  back in and brighten up our living space?

Spider_PlantAdd Foliage Plants

If you have rooms with southern or western exposure, pick up some colorful crotons to add a new dimension of color in your home. Spider plants would also be a great addition.

For Northern or Eastern facing rooms try a dracaena or pothos.

Indoor plants are great additions to our homes. They help add oxygen into the air during a time when we are cooped up in the house without the ability to open the windows or doors to let in fresh air. They also help clean the air by extracting toxins in the stagnant air in the house.

  • Clean and Trim Existing Plants

If you already have a healthy amount of foliage plants in your home. Now is a great time to give them a little bath and clean them up. You can place your foliage plants in the bath tub and give them a 10-15 minute shower with cool water. This will clean the dust off of their leaves and reinvigorate them. Give them a trim and remove any dead leaves. Your plants will love it and all of their efforts and energy will be focused into new growth.

This is also a great time to determine if you should divide or transplant your current plants. For some expert help in determining what your plants need contact The Plant Farm.

Colorful_Pots Add Color with Pottery

Do you have a lot of green plant material in your house? Add some color by changing up the pottery or planters. You can create dramatic and inviting focal points in your rooms by simply setting your foliage plants in a new colorful pot.

By: Cathy Creach